#1. Assume EVERY firearm is always loaded.(Perform a chamber check.)

#2. ALWAYS keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
#3. KEEP yourfinger straight and OFF the trigger until your sights areon the target.
#4. KNOW your target, what’s in front of and behind it.
#5. If your firearm has a safety, ensure it stays on until ready to fire.
Some other good safety practices, especially for parents:
– Always supervise children when they are using firearms.
– Store your firearms in a safe manner.
Teach children these four additional rules:”If you find a firearm…”
– STOP – Don’t touch – Leave the area – Tell an adult –
Lastly, remember to protect your eyes and ears. Be SAFE, have FUN!
(A BIG thank you to our loyal Facebook fans who submitted the pictures used on this page.)